My ultimate guide to the Raspberry pi audio server I wanted — Apple AirPlay

Mathieu Réquillart
3 min readApr 30, 2022

Part 8 — AirPlay

I also wanted to add AirPlay support to the Raspberry for my friends with Apple devices. It’s also a common service on most open source and commercial audio servers. The way to go is to install Shairport-sync. Installation is pretty easy, but configuration with PulseAudio is a bit tricky.
We’ll want to run Shairport-sync as a user systemd unit with our pi user and configure it to use our PulseAudio server as audio backend to bypass the limitations announced in the documentation.

$ sudo apt install shairport-sync
$ systemctl --user enable shairport-sync

This will copy default systemd unit in ~/.config/systemd/user/shairport-sync.service (if not you’ll have to create it), but we need to make some adjustments to make it work properly:
- Remove the Avahi mentions and User and Group directive which can’t be used within a user sytemd unit.
- Change the install method to instead of multi-user to boot properly with user systemd
Change restart policy, for some reason Shairport-sync seems to start quicker than PulseAudio and fail to connect to it and start properly at boot.


Description=Shairport Sync — AirPlay Audio Receiver

ExecStart=/usr/bin/shairport-sync $DAEMON_ARGS



Since we use our user pi instead of default shairport-sync user, we also need to edit a few dbus policies and to add our pi user in the owners of shairport dbus services. Place the following directives in the <busconfig> section


<policy user=”pi”>
<allow own=”org.gnome.ShairportSync”/>


<policy user=”pi”>
<allow own=”org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.ShairportSync”/>

$ sudo systemctl restart dbus

Finally, as we’re used in this seup, we configure shairport-sync to use PulseAudio backend instead of Alsa

general = {
name = “%H”;
// This means “Hostname” — see below. This is the name the service will advertise to iTunes.
output_backend = “pa”;
// Run “shairport-sync -h” to get a list of all output_backends, e.g. “alsa”, “pipe”, “stdout”. The default is the first one.
mdns_backend = “avahi”; // Run “shairport-sync -h” to get a list of all mdns_backends. The default is the first one.
pa = {
server = “”;
// Set this to override the default pulseaudio server that should be used.
application_name = “Shairport Sync”;
//Set this to the name that should appear in the Sounds “Applications” tab when Shairport Sync is active.

We can finally start shairport-sync

$ systemctl --user start shairport-sync.service

And see it running and connected to PulseAudio

$ journalctl --user -u shairport-sync.service
Apr 18 01:05:53 rasponkyo systemd[688]: shairport-sync.service: Consumed 1.607s CPU time.
Apr 18 01:05:53 rasponkyo systemd[688]: Started Shairport Sync — AirPlay Audio Receiver.
$ pactl list clients
Client #20
Driver: protocol-native.c
Owner Module: 11
Properties: = “Shairport Sync”
native-protocol.peer = “TCP/IP client from”
native-protocol.version = “34” = “2376”
application.process.user = “pi” = “rasponkyo”
application.process.binary = “shairport-sync”
application.language = “C”
application.process.machine_id = “94407542ae804e6f9e791df75037e3d2”

Using our new AirPlay server as a PulseAudio sink

Since version 11 PulseAudio natively supports AirPlay servers as sink, so we can use it as a remote sink as we did with PulseAudio TCP.

Then you can go in your sound settings and set the output to your new AirPlay server, running on port 5000.

